Welcome to our first online exhibition
Testing an Experimental Text-to-Image Model

This interactive virtual room is optimised for desktop and laptop computers and requires a good internet connection. If you have trouble loading the room, explore the artworks by clicking the different sections below.

The MoSAIC currently operates without the support of sponsorships, committed to spreading the joy of STEAM learning on a not-for-profit basis. If our exhibition or lesson plans have inspired you, we kindly ask you to consider endorsing our educational outreach by booking one of our workshops for schools, or by contributing through PayPal.

Together, we can shape a brighter future for STEAM education.

Educators - Sign up to download the free resource pack

How far has artificial intelligence image generation advanced in just one year?

Through DALL-E generated images learn more about this fascinating technology and about how science, tech and art intersect in this rich learning experience. Complete with quotations from S.T.E.A.M role models and free lesson resources to download.

As you peruse the gallery don’t forget there is a worksheet available to complete. You will encounter a diverse array of artworks, each representing a different stage of DALL-E 2's development.

Showcasing paired images, where you can see the striking difference between DALL-E v2.0 and DALL-E v2.Exp. The image on the left, created using DALL-E v2.0, displays an impressive level of detail and sophistication, while the one on the right, generated with DALL-E v2.Exp, reveals an unparalleled level of nuance and intricacy.

Click a section below to learn more

If you enjoyed this exhibition…

We offer in-person workshops related to this exhibition:

  • ‘The Future of Art - Are We More Creative Than Artificial Intelligence?’

  • Enhancing Technological Literacy Using Art and Storytelling.

    Learn more about the future of this exciting technology and its effect on creative industries as well a more in depth exploration of algorithmic bias.

    Our school outreach is available at affordable prices and is heavily subsidised for state schools.

Student Artwork Gallery

Ask your teacher to send your prompts/digital artworks to us for you chance to be featured